Baby I want to get close to you
But in these strange times I don't know what to do
Unproven allegations left and right
Accusations all day and all night...
#MeToo's got me scared to flirt
Precarious work's got me living on dirt
BlackLivesMatter says I'm white and privileged
I'm looking for love but no one else is interest-ed...
You know...
The sun is roughly middle aged
It's hardly changed in four billion years
But degrees of love change every minute to hour
In varied states of grace and fear..........
That's so fucked up
So fucked up
So fucked up
So fucked up..........
Amen. Selah סֶלָה. Agape ἀγάπηh.
But degrees of love change every minute to hour
In varied states of grace and fear..........
Amen. Selah סֶלָה. Agape ἀγάπηh.
N E L 20181005